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Saturday, December 5, 2009


Anyway, hey guys! Great job for Faith, Hope & Love III (: and Thanks to those that came down :D
Let's all work really really hard for Fantasia (we must own with big bass :D) & Sydney (perhaps) next year.
Let's all train our air power guys!!! Run run run swim swim swim HAHAHA.

PS: I hope all of you all going! :)

Meanwhile, let's catch up with whatever we've missed during the holidays (i.e. Homework. Grrrr.) and try to improve ourselves in a way or another before we come back on the 28th.

See ya'll soon!


Y 9:16 AM

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Hey all! Nicolette here and its my first time posting cause I noticed that the blog is a little dead so I'm here to bring it back to life! god bless you seniors! thanks for all the guidience and teachings plus patience! without your help, we wouldn't have been able to make it this far. andand juniors, please try to be more enthu lei...i somehow feel afraid to talk to you all when you all are so quiet..oh wells tatas for today!~Nic

Y 4:06 AM

Friday, June 19, 2009

I'm definitely going to miss you guys, every single one of you. :(

I just wanna thank the section for everything. For the times when we're just laughing and going crazy and having fun. For the times when we're working hard for a concert/competition. I'd never have been able to pull through without all of you. So, to the 8 of you (Paula, Seiriol, Chuying, Pearly, Meishi, Cherie, Emilyn, Nicolette) - you've made my five years in IJ band the most special five years ever. I love you guys.

To Gwenda, you can do it!!!! Be confident and work with your seniors, because they're all awesome. We're not scary okay. Open up, and your next two and a half years in band will be nothing short of amazing. Believe me. :)

To the sec ones, I know it seems difficult. And scary. But if you just do your best, we'll all still be proud of you.

(OKAY the last time I'm going to be naggy. Haha. GET THE EMAIL/ PASSWORD FROM ME AND BLOG! Okay? Yes!)


Y 9:22 AM

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Hi this blog is so dead hahaha :)

Anyway, yesterday was the handover and I'd wanna say to the 4 of you - Clare, Chuying, Pearly & Meishi: I'll miss you guys :( Thank you for being a part of my 3 years in band and for making a mark in my memory! :) MUST COME BACK K, ESPECIALLY PEARLY. I know you couldn't wait to leave yesterday, grrrrr. Hahahaha.

Anyway, it's the start of a new chapter, so let's live it to the fullest :) I sound so philosophical. Let's all work together!



Y 6:08 AM

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Hello you should have guessed the number of times I tried to enter the Dashboard hahahaha.
Anyway I decided to liven up the blog with...



Y 4:28 AM

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Hello I decided to liven things up a bit here. How's everything? I hope schoolwork's okay! For now, MATHS SUCK!!! LOL. Okay anyway. I recently found a band which played Die Fledermaus on Youtube. So I shall upload the video here. Any comments can be said privately in Band or something, wait the members of the Band come after us then we die LOL. Okay... Here it is!

Anyway, to end off this post, let's continue to work hard as a section! We can do it! Remember what Mr Tan and Sir (Mr. C Tan) said :D I should stop confusing myself with the 2 Mr Tans LOL.

With love, Cherie (:

Y 5:33 AM

Monday, December 29, 2008


Hellloo, first thing - this blog is so dead!! Get the email and password from me and post something. Next, SYF is in 90 days! Thats 12.8 weeks. So, 12.8 x 3 = 38.4. That is the number of official band practices we have left, well, around there.

Practise like you're the lousiest player but perform like you're the best.

So lets all practise like we're the lousiest together.

Thanks to all who brought their tubas home or came for self-practice. :)

PLEASE remember everything that Sir has taught us, to leave gaps in between notes or whatever. Don't let the fact that he will no longer be there to remind us what to do be an excuse to forget what he has said. I'm sure you've already written down everything on your score, so do it. And accept the new conductor, don't question the decision Sir and the teachers have made, you know they want the best for us. If you feel the need to voice out your displeasure, you're welcome to do so, but don't give senseless reasons.

Finally, work hard for SYF. Do the best you possibly can, so even if we don't get our desired results, we can say we did our best because that's all that really matters. Enjoying the process. Getting to know each other better.

We can do this.


P.S: I don't mean to nag or anything.
P.P.S: I'm not pinpointing at anybody, so don't assume.
P.P.P.S (lol): If anybody feels unhappy about anything written in any post on the blog, tell me. Keep in mind that petty complaints will be ignored.

Y 5:01 AM

Section Leader: Emilyn
Sec 3s:
Cherie (Band Majorette), Nicolette
Sec 2:
Sec 1s:
Zhiyu, Geraldine, Aurelia

Graduated in 2008 Paula, Seirol
Graduated in 2009 Clare, Chuying, Pearly, Meishi

IJ Concert Band
IJ Band Facebook

Codes: RMS
Image: Cherie

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